sulcata advice

  1. sully_baby

    Baby sulcata not growing much

    Hi, I have an adorable 6.5 months old Sulcata tortoise. We got him 6 weeks ago from a breeder. I weigh him then and he was 71 grams, I weighed him 2 weeks later, he was 73 grams, then 75 grams, last week he was 78 grams (all of this was later in the day, after he ate) and I weighed him again...
  2. pickledsulcata

    Does her shell look dented on the sides?

    I noticed this while I was giving my 3 yr old sulcata a bath. Towards the bottom of her shell, does it look a bit dented, or is this normal? Kinda looks like how humans have a waistline. She's on a diet of primarily romaine, grass, carrots, and dandelions, with a soak once a week.
  3. B

    Sulcata hatchling odd behaviour

    Hi guys! I noticed something odd in my sulcata hatchling (4 months old). These past two weeks, I have been living in my parent's house due to an urgent situation. I bought a smaller closed chamber for my hatchling while we stayed here. I usually feed him greens and pellets. However, I noticed...
  4. doletorts

    How to know if supplements are needed?

    I have some questions about diet and supplements for larger sulcatas. I started a job at a Natural Resource Education Center in a Forest Preserve a couple of months ago. We have a sulcata there that was rescued from the pet trade. He's around 22 years old and about 70 lbs. He lives in my boss's...
  5. O

    Recommend light and heat wattage

    Hello I’m a first time sulcata person, I have experience with rescued older Herman’s and spur thighed tortoises. I need help with light wattage for a 1 year old sulcata. I’m getting my first sulcata, in a few weeks time. I’m planning every I need to buy for him/her, and I could really use...
  6. Screaming_Racoon

    Baby Sulcata enclosure and Feeding Questions

    Hello, I adopted a baby sulcata a few weeks ago and i am having a bit of trouble figuring out what to feed and house of tortoise in. He is about 4 months old now, 48g, maybe 2 1/2 inches long or so. I was naive in buying him from a reptile convention I went too as the guy gave me no information...
  7. K

    Possible insects in water after soaking

    Hi everyone, Hoping for some advice here. Just took my tortoise out of his soak and I see a bunch of things clinging to the wall...they appear to be some sort of bug? Has anyone seen anything like this? Thought I'd ask here before scheduling a vet visit. I'm very concerned if those came from...
  8. M

    No idea about 4yr old tortoise

    I'm a new owner here and doesn't have any clue about tortoises. Someone gifted me a 4yr old tortoise I have an outdoor place but it doesn't get direct sunlight. It's mostly clouds and I'm not sure if that's okay. If I will add a uvb lamp on 1 spot will the he go there by itself? Also how...
  9. Tortoisaurus

    Underwater Sulcata!?

    Hello! I hope I’m doing this correctly, and not rehashing something already discussed. I live in the Tampa area of Florida. We have a 15 month old Sulcata named Tortoisaurus who is living her very best life in her outdoor natural enclosure. She has a burrow she dug for herself that I simply...
  10. K

    Looking for help with my 1yr(ish?) Sulcata

    Hi! I have posted on here before and unfortunately I am someone who fell into owning a Sulcata from a pet store in AZ. I currently live in MN and I have updated my care from advice on my original post. My Sulcata is slow growing, and has some pyramiding. I really would love to keep him because I...
  11. mools

    slight pyramiding in middle scutes of the carapace

    It's been about 11 months with Walter. I got Walter maybe a few weeks after they hatched. There seems to be slight pyramiding in middle top scutes of his carapace which is more apparent when looking from the side profile view. I'm a little concerned because the his sides seem quite smooth in...
  12. G

    First time Sulcata keeper in need of help!

    I have recently adopted an almost 3 year old female Sulcata Tortoise, and I feel that I am way in over my head here, either that or I am just overthinking things. My issue is figuring out lighting and heating and am hoping any Sulcata experts can come to my rescue! I currently have a exo-terra...
  13. E

    Cracks or Peeling on Sulcata Carapace

    Hello, Looking for someone who has some knowledge or experience on something we are seeing on our Sulcata. We noticed tonight that there are two spots on its back that appear to almost be cracks between the scutes. A corner of one is lifted and then there is what looks like a crack between two...
  14. littledudesmama143

    Is this sleeping position normal? **also new tortoise mom, so any tips/suggestions welcomed!!

    Hello fellow sulcata tortoise owners 🐢 This may be a very repeated question, but i NEED to know. I've been losing sleep because of it!! I recently became a new tortoise owner after this cute little dude kind of just fell into my lap and I've been loving every second of it. Well, almost every...
  15. J

    4 month old Sulcata Respiratory infection

    Hello, I have two 4 month old Sulcata tortoises. Recently one of the them started making squeaking noises. I took it to the vet and they said that the baby has respiratory click and swollen right nostril and also dealing with active bacterial infection. We have been giving Fortaz(3 injectable...
  16. R

    Soaking with flu?

    Hi, so my tortoise got a flu and never touches the water dish. I keep giving water through it's food but to make sure that it's hydrated i was thinking about giving it soaks. Is it ok if i give a tortoise a soak if they're having flu? Thank u beforehand.
  17. frankie_is_the_best

    Eating less, less active.

    I have a 6-8 month old sulcata tortoise. When I first got him, I listened to the misinformation online and kept him dry. A couple months ago, I was told this was incorrect and have changed his enclosure completely. He now has a humid enclosure with the proper lighting, substrate, and soaking...
  18. D

    New Young Sulcata

    Hi, I just got a baby sulcata tortoise and he has not eaten since I got him except maybe a few nibbles of food. Is that normal and if not what should I do to help him? He gets fed a mixture of leafy greens like kale, collards, romaine and he also gets zoo med pellets and Timothy hay mixed in...
  19. C

    Is this ridge a sign of Pyramiding or just his spine (sulcata)

    I have seen the ridges start to grow on him (1 year) So I made sure his light is okay and double my efforts to make sure he has enough humidity. So I hope that will stop his tiny ridges from growing any taller. But I do not know if that ridge that he has is? I think it might be his spine but I...
  20. SKOLsuper

    Dent at the back of the shell

    Hi can someone tell me why tortoise shell gone dent at the back