2 More In Desperate Need


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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
In our journey to find Jo Jo's Duck Pen she was rescued from we found these 2 in desperate need. They came from the lady we received Jo Jo from and we couldn't leave them there, they needed help now. To make it easier we will refer to them as Big 1 and Little 1 ....
Big 1IMG_0997.jpeg
This ones shell is firm but on it's way to softness, softer in certain areas. He moves around really good, was trying to eat dried Kale when we first got to him so we're hoping a strong appetite. We'll just start to make sure he receives everyday what he needs to thrive and stay alive but Little 1 ....IMG_0999.jpeg
This ones shell is as about soft as you can get I imagine without it being like jelly. You can easily see him breathing and it is very difficult to even pick him up the shell is so soft. This ones gonna take a little more work I imagine if we're able to save it. This one walks around as well but a little less sturdy, it wobbles on it's legs while walking. An everyday necessity and needs met we hope will keep this one alive. We first heard 'Well it's eyes are swollen shut" of course we think of the carrot soak method. But when we were able to see in person it's eyes are open so I'm guessing dehydration? Both buried their heads underwater for more than 4 minutes when we got them home.
Warm, UVB and Mazuri each day will be our plan .... unless you all tell me different. The image I have in my head is the situation I see @Tom speak of all the time, Babies raised to Death through dehydration ... or at least my interpretation of it.


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Awww poor little things. Personally I would mix some good weeds or the better greens into the mazuri. However, I have no experience with this species or having to save any that were that bad
Just seems like a better diet, variety is always better and of course sprinkle tiny bit of calcium on the food 3 times a week. Soak, soak, soak
You got this. Good luck, keep us posted.


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What is the story behind their being in this condition?


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
What is the story behind their being in this condition?
Here it is .....
These 2 were a classroom project/torture experiment. At the end of LAST school year the teacher did not want to take them home and was willing to just leave them ... yes a real winner here. The teacher's aide (who knows nothing of torts and lives in an apartment) took them home with no idea what to do. She had a friend whose mother was a tort lover/keeper and figured she could help, so she gave the 2 to her. This woman who had the best intentions just not the time, passion, know how and a host of other issues did what she thought was needed to keep them. She has had them since last summer in a 10 gallon aquarium with hay as substrate and no telling what feed. When she started to notice the shell softening she started to feed mealworms and Kale (for it's high calcium) .... I do not know how long ago this was.
Yesterday we found THE PEOPLE that kept Jo Jo in a Duck Pen for "The longest time" in their own words and heard of these 2. We immediately started speaking with her over the phone and really pushed "Can we come get them" She said her children were really attached and would we give them back after we "Fixed them" Once we saw the 2 there was no way ... NO WAY IN HELL I was leaving them so I agreed to whatever she wanted. She proceeded to explain the circumstances and timeline and I felt sick ... The only thoughts in my head I could understand were these ....1 year, Soft Shells, Starving and Gold Fish. When we first set eyes on them all I could see was a GoldFish with those bulging eyes and as she started telling more of the story Suffering was the only thought in my head. I kept running through my head how much and how long these poor 2 were neglected and tortured.
We got her to let us take them with the promise "We'll do our best" and "We'll keep you updated" As I drove home all I could think of was how tough they were and how do you still push on through so much suffering. If they would be so strong the least we could do was give them that same attitude and do everything we can to help stop that suffering. To look into a suffering animals eyes and see strength ... WOW what a kick by a Mule in the Heart. If their not giving up neither are we, and maybe just maybe we will be able to provide them a "Happy Life" and end their suffering and provide COMFORT while doing so.
I'm not sure how this is going to go but there is 1 thing for sure I know, We'll never give up on them. Their strength will be our guiding light and just maybe that light at the end of the tunnel we will all be able to reach TOGETHER.


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That's wonderful 👍. Happy Birthday 😃💪


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Happy Birthday 🎂 🐢


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
Update: Big 1 ... Very dehydrated but still moving around. Urates without urine and a lot of them. Eats well and seems to be social, amazing after what it has been put through. I have been able to get both to eat Mazuri, at first they wouldn't touch it. 3 soaks a day and free to eat WHENEVER it wants to, eating every so often all day long.IMG_1435.jpeg
As for Little 1: I have no idea how this ones still alive, its shell is so soft it flex's as it moves. It is so soft I am unable to clean the food of the Plastron with my fingers it has to be done by soaking. This one is eating as well but has such a hard time getting a bite size piece, it's beak, jaw must be weak and soft as well. I mixed squash with the Mazuri to get them interested and am cutting out the squash little by little. They seem to show no interest in weeds YET but I am sure they just feel like crap. I will still introduce weeds until they do show interest, kinda a visual cue they may be feeling better. I do have a question for the experts .... Why does this ones head look like a pig? Swollen eyes with what looks like a pig snout for a nose ... why?IMG_1436.jpeg


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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
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Canebrake Ca
This is little 1, he has red in his eye. It moves back and forth so I believe it’s the 3rd eyelid. Any ideas on what it could be?IMG_1468.jpeg

Yvonne G

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Get Terramycin opthalmic ointment and dab on the eye two or three times a day. @zovick mentioned an ointment he uses, but I cant remember


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Little One looks really terribly soft. Hang in there, little guy! You're in great hands.


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Thanks for taking them both in. They are in the best location with food, water, calcium, uv and heat I think you should see improvement in the next month onwards. Weight them both, so you can share growth progress. Hope eye improves.


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Nov 17, 2013
Get Terramycin opthalmic ointment and dab on the eye two or three times a day. @zovick mentioned an ointment he uses, but I cant remember
@Yvonne G @EppsDynasty

Actually I have often recommended using drops, not ointment. They are Neo-Poly-Dex Ophthalmic drops. You will need to get a prescription from a vet to get them, but they work very well.

Good luck with that little tortoise.


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake Ca
We have erythromycin ophthalmic ointment, will this do? A prescription may be hard to get, looking online.

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