Are you a cat owner? I have an issue.

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Oct 23, 2014
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We have 2, both inside cats that never go outside. One refuses to even get near the door and the other has got out a few times. Do I think cats belong outside in a neighborhood, no it pisses me off when they do the stuff Ed mentioned in my yard. The issue I have with doing something cruel to them is, what if my cat escaped just once and never did anything to someone's yard but because other cats have they do something to my cat. Ultimately it's my fault it got out but that doesn't mean I neglect it or mistreat it. I have 2 teenagers they always have friends over and they've left the door open and out went my cat.

When We lived in the country I had 3 cats that had only 3 legs because they got caught in hunters traps and after the 3rd I decided no more outside cats.

Maggie Cummings

Yvonne...Your property is different, I don't ever say anything because starting trouble with you is the last thing I want. But if they were"beloved" and I TOLD you keep the damn thing inside or I will trap it again wouldn't you?, she didn't, so her "beloved" pet now lives in New Mexico. If they were "beloved" they'd take better care of them. Are those owners going to pay for the damage to my car or the Hoya's on my deck? The cats have seriously scratched my hood as it slopes down. I don't take the cat to a shelter like I used to, because in a few days it's owner has re-released it and I have to trap it all over again.

I can't afford a set up like Prairie Mom's nor would I want to, I am on Social Security. But my cats aren't even interested in going outside. Why have a pet that would rather be somewhere else? Some bowl you simply feed. BS!!! I don't have money to buy hardware cloth etc. And yes, I was referring to you. Have more consideration then to tell a senior disabled person to spend a bunch of money on a carpenter to stop my rude and inconsiderate neighbors cat from doing damage freakin daily on my property. It is their problem, I only take care of my own property.
And I don't even own a gun,but I have borrowed one. I wouldn't want to shoot a cat, but I will shoot familiar repeaters. If you had a neighbor like me, wouldn't you keep your cats contained, after I told you I was trapping and why??? Further, the dumbing down of America. I use my energy and money on my own inside cats and my tortoises. If an inconsiderate neighbor loses a cat....too bad... I've warned them. And I don't feel bad in the least.
The "cruel" treatment is what outside cats do to the wildlife in my yard and the damage to MY possessions. If you live in my neighborhood keep your animals home, or they are mine to do with what I wish.

Prairie Mom

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2014
I can't afford a set up like Prairie Mom's nor would I want to, I am on Social Security. Have more consideration then to tell a senior disabled person to spend a bunch of money on a carpenter to stop my rude and inconsiderate neighbors cat from doing damage freakin daily on my property.

I wouldn't want to shoot a cat, but I will shoot familiar repeaters. And I don't feel bad in the least.

The "cruel" treatment is what outside cats do to the wildlife in my yard and the damage to MY possessions. If you live in my neighborhood keep your animals home, or they are mine to do with what I wish.
Okay, fine...I'm speaking one last time and then clicking some filtering buttons as a courtesy to Ed. I argue with none of your environmental or property points, ONLY the pet killing and catnapping. I agree with some points you bring up, but your judgements of me are seriously mistaken. You're guilt-tripping me like I'm hassling a poor disabled senior on social security just because I shared my opinion. Well, I'll send it back your way...this single Mom of four children (two of which live with chronic life-threatening health conditions) who takes care of her kids, medical bills, and house-full of beloved well-cared for animals on a preschool teacher's salary spent no more than $50 on the entire cat enclosure which consists only of: chicken wire, 2x4, pieces of old broken book cases, and particle board. No the chicken wire is not gold-plated. I'll do that when I make my next million. Even the paint on the "roof" is left over paint. No, I wasn't telling you to build a cat enclosure and I wasn't telling you to hire a handy man, so try not to be so sensitive. When I mentioned chicken wire and mesh wire as a deterrent I was suggesting simply laying the roll of wire on the ground, particularly on the sandy areas that Ed mentioned. -It does work. A long roll of hardware cloth is about $6 at home depot. I've bought the stuff many times. Take care and much tortoise love Maggie
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Tortoise Club
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Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Trapping and relocating was not my first action.
I did many things first. Years worth of things. Some documented on this very forum like my use of motion activated alarms. Other options that would also effect my small dog, etc. can't be used because of the obvious.
I have also so far only relocated two cats and these are two cats that slept on my roof. Peed on my cars. Pooped in the yard and lived here.
Not some poor cat that escaped its own home for the night once.
I'm only actively seeking to eliminate the most destructive and persistent ones that I deal with daily.
I will consider other options. But I'm at the end of my rope with frustration.
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Jul 14, 2015
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Oh Ed, I am sorry about that fixer upper car! I adore cats, and have had them as pets most of my life. My kitties are strictly indoors though. I see "lost/missing cat" flyers all the time. I couldn't deal with that. I'd be devastated if they got hurt by some animal or hit by car... no sir! Not this cat owner! I'm too soft for that. I clean up my kitties crap (and pee, and puke when they get sick)... that's part of owning a pet, and I am totally ok with it. Talk to your neighbors. If you guys are friends than this needs to be brought up in nontreatening/nonjudgmental way. Just talk to your friends. Tell them what this does to you how it makes you feel. They probably have no idea you have been upset about their kitties


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This is my indoor cat Methos.ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1474080539.580299.jpg
He has never been outside. I did have another cat that I sort of adopted and she was indoor/outdoor. She would come in to use the litter box. Any cats I have in the future will be 100% indoors.
Have you tried talking to animal control? I know sometimes that doesn't work but you can try. And when you take the animal to the pound and they contact the owner, the owner is find and if it continues eventually they will lose the animal. At least that's how it works here.
I understand your frustration. A few years ago I had some neighbors that had literally over 50 cats. They had three mama cats constantly pumping out kittens. They were all in bread and sick and it was terrible. I would come home and there'd be 10 or 12 cats on my front porch. I couldn't even let the dog out back because they pooped everywhere. I gave up even trying to have flowerbeds. Because our city Council is made of of a bunch of freaking idiots :) animal control could not help except to recommend the people get rid of some cats. So the animal control officer told me that I am free to trap them and that she would require our local shelter to take them in even though they are a no kill shelter, don't even get me started on that topic, and they were full and so they tried to refuse. I took 23 cats in, mostly kittens. I know they were all put down and that makes me sad but dammit I didn't want them in my yard and I didn't want them die in a miserable death on the streets.
One day I came home from work and they were gone, the neighbors and every single cat. Have no idea where they went and don't care. People need to be responsible pet owners and it's frustrating when they're not. I would try some of the things mentioned here, sprinklers, fishing line, plastic forks etc. and the wetter you keep the ground the less likely the cats are to try to use it as a litter box. I do think that releasing them in the middle of nowhere is cruel. Like other people have said, the cats are being cats it's the owners that are being stupid.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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just remember coyotes love to eat cats pets or not Xscapee or full time outside

Maggie Cummings

Okay, fine...I'm speaking one last time and then clicking some filtering buttons as a courtesy to Ed. I argue with none of your environmental or property points, ONLY the pet killing and catnapping. I agree with some points you bring up, but your judgements of me are seriously mistaken. You're guilt-tripping me like I'm hassling a poor disabled senior on social security just because I shared my opinion. Well, I'll send it back your way...this single Mom of four children (two of which live with chronic life-threatening health conditions) who takes care of her kids, medical bills, and house-full of beloved well-cared for animals on a preschool teacher's salary spent no more than $50 on the entire cat enclosure which consists only of: chicken wire, 2x4, pieces of old broken book cases, and particle board. No the chicken wire is not gold-plated. I'll do that when I make my next million. Even the paint on the "roof" is left over paint. No, I wasn't telling you to build a cat enclosure and I wasn't telling you to hire a handy man, so try not to be so sensitive. When I mentioned chicken wire and mesh wire as a deterrent I was suggesting simply laying the roll of wire on the ground, particularly on the sandy areas that Ed mentioned. -It does work. A long roll of hardware cloth is about $6 at home depot. I've bought the stuff many times. Take care and much tortoise love Maggie

I'm sorry I offended you, I thought we had talked enough that I could give you a teasing hard time about the buying stuff. I actually was guilt-tripping you, but I "thought" I was lightening up the situation. I just thought I was being funny. So please accept my sincere apology as in that part I was just what's the phrase, 'pulling your chain'. I sorry I wasn't as funny as I thought, and I sincerely am sorry to have offended you.


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I'm uncertain if you are using "you" at the end of your statement to address me specifically or a general audience. It doesn't bother me either way, just in the slight off-chance you are addressing me specifically at the end there, I'll clarify how I keep my cats...
View attachment 187096

View attachment 187097

How smart! Thank you for sharing these photos. My boy would LOVE this setup. Let's see if I can convince hubby. :DImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1474090608.322359.jpg


Well-Known Member
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Feb 22, 2015
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Go ahead, catch the cats, bring them to the shelter. People can pay a small fine and have their pets vaccinated then returned. Neglectful pet owners will not pay and will not claim their pet. That does sound harsh but it is true. I love my cats.


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Dec 31, 2015
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i like cats , i owned one for 17yrs and another for 19 yrs , indoor cats , as outdoor cats rarely live anywhere near that long ....... i'd really like to run across the folks who's outdoor cat i hit with my car a couple months ago , i'm pretty sure we wouldn't like each other .......

might not be an option to a lot of folks . not only raccoon proof , but 100% cat proof too .... i see lots of stray cats around here , but none in my yard ........



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
I think of cruelty as physically torturing an animal. So it doesn't seem like cruelty to relocate them. Shooting them... okay, maybe so. This thread is very interesting!!!


Tortoise Club
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Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
You know what I mean.
How many mounds of cat poop are in your yard?
Any other pets eating it?
Track any of it into your house or car? Smell it and seen the hundreds of flies?
I'm not happy about the whole situation and have posted looking for answers.
I do not want cats in my yard.
I was trying to gauge how many cat owners let the rest of the world deal with their cats. And it seems a small percentage.
These cats have already been dumped.....On me.


Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
I think of cruelty as physically torturing an animal. So it doesn't seem like cruelty to relocate them. Shooting them... okay, maybe so. This thread is very interesting!!!
No. I agree that it is somewhat cruel. And I'm not happy about it. It bothers me to relocate them. It's just that it's so out of control and this works. I currently have no better, real world alternative.
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