Recent content by [email protected]


    Length of self soaking?

    Andy likes to self soak for what seems like hours. His water is shallow and he just seems to like sitting in it. A couple of years ago I got the advice that I should limit his soaking time so that he wouldn't get shell rot. Is this true? If so, should I only allow him access to his water...

    Advice on enclosure

    I posted two different threads yesterday, the other one titled "pyramiding", so I'm gonna answer both of them here just for the ease of it. (moderator note: I merged the two threads together into this one) Thank you for all of your advice. I'm putting it into practice immediately. Last...

    Missing tortoise.

    My daughter lost ours outside one time and we had all the kids (and some of the parents) on the street crawling around looking like lunatics. Once we found him my daughter decided that this was going to be his outside uniform. A piece of tape with flowers attached so we could easily see him...

    Advice on enclosure

    pyramiding? I have heard of pyramiding before, but I didn't realize that their shells should be completely smooth. Now I'm worried that I may have been taking poor care of Andy for the last three years. Looking at his shell, what changes should I make and how serious would you consider it...

    Advice on enclosure

    I feed him on his terra cotta saucer but he makes a horrible mess of it so I take it out as soon as he is done eating. He uses it as a combo food dish/toilet. He has always ignored his cuttlebones but after reading some posts here I crumbled it into small rock size and spread them and he will...

    Advice on enclosure

    We've had Andy since he was a tiny little hatching, he just turned 3 in May. He outgrew his baby enclosure and so we just made him this new one last night. It is on a table right by the window which gets lots of natural sunlight. He also gets to go outside for at least an hour a day, where he...