Recent content by B*TorT10

  1. B*TorT10

    Burmese Stars Getting Increased Protection

    The 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties in Bangkok,Thailand March 3-14 2013. "In order to conserve and protect turtle species in Asia, the United States has joined with China and Viet Nam to propose increased CITES protection for a number of Asian softshell and hardshell turtle...
  2. B*TorT10

    Burmese star Pics

    Great looking group. Wow 7000g? That is one big girl. I have 4 yr old female that's 410g. I plan on adding another female and male to my group in the near future. Congrats on your success. I hope to be as successful in the next few years.
  3. B*TorT10

    A big HELLO from Colorado

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I have alot to learn about using\posting on a forum. Like putting photos in the right forum (Tortoise photos and video) :)
  4. B*TorT10

    howdy from Cali

    Hello from a fellow newbie :) Russ
  5. B*TorT10

    Another Hello From Colorado w\pics

    I forgot to include pics of "Bella" my female Burmese in first post. Sorry:(
  6. B*TorT10

    A big HELLO from Colorado

    My name is Russ and I'm new to this forum. I look forward to talking everything tortoise with you guys. I currently have a female platynota and hopefully in the near future I can add more platynota.