Recent content by Bowser-n-Mo

  1. Bowser-n-Mo

    sulcata not growing?

    So we bought 2 sulcata tortoises last April. I was told they were 7 months old when we bought them so that makes them a little under 2. It seems one is growing like a monster and the other....not so much? What's going on? Is one a boy and one a girl? Please let me know....thanks.
  2. Bowser-n-Mo

    My tortoise lost his feet :(

    Did you find out what caused it....too bizzare!
  3. Bowser-n-Mo

    Plants to add to my desert tortoises home

    My mother bought a seed mix specifically for tortious.....maybe google it...or I will ask where she got it
  4. Bowser-n-Mo

    beets and beet tops

    That's all very good to know thank it also ok to occasionally feed cranberrys? I have an iguana whose diet is quite different.....but so the same! Lol! If that makes any sense...I think just beacause my iguana can have it doesn't mean the turtles can , but im learning in moderation they...
  5. Bowser-n-Mo

    beets and beet tops

    Can sulcatas eat beets and beet tops....also what about carrots and carrot tops?
  6. Bowser-n-Mo

    the boys got the turtles. I get to take care of them!

    I had an albino corn snake in my early 20s too!...but I had to knock the mice out before I fed them to her [hr] Thank you....I was just in Minnesota in Aug. [hr] Same here....always wanted one....we have a small reptile zoo in Monroe, and had almost bought one about five years ago....but I...
  7. Bowser-n-Mo

    HELP!!! (poor appetite)

    RE: HELP!!! Is there something wrong with using a red bulb?
  8. Bowser-n-Mo

    the boys got the turtles. I get to take care of them!

    Thank you...and yes I too love this island! Been here for 25+ years!
  9. Bowser-n-Mo

    what is this from

    Lol! My feelings were not hurt...but I did miss the joke. ;)
  10. Bowser-n-Mo

    can sulcatas eat salal

    Yes its very edible. .thank you! Also thanks for website info.
  11. Bowser-n-Mo

    Tis the season, canned pumpkin?

    Do you have to cook the pumpkin, or can you dice it and give it raw?
  12. Bowser-n-Mo

    what is this from

    Im not sure...I just noticed it! :( [hr] So for long toenails...i didn't know they were to long..also how do u trim them..I've done birds and dogs before...still...those r some tiny little nails. I feel nervous to cut them !
  13. Bowser-n-Mo

    eating poop

    Thank you....I was wondering if they were lacking something in their diet.
  14. Bowser-n-Mo

    can sulcatas eat salal

    Our yard is loaded with salal..I know its edible for humans, goats, rabbits, and such...but is it something I could feed our turtles? I all so noticed that some of the yellow dandy lion looking flowers are toxic while others r edible. How do I know for sure! They look so much a like. Here is a...
  15. Bowser-n-Mo

    eating poop

    So every once and awhile I catch them eating their own poop...why is this?