Recent content by burgenotbird

  1. burgenotbird

    Fingernail question

    My eastern box turtles nails are also going sideways, would I be able to file them?
  2. burgenotbird

    Black mouth

    my juvenile eastern box tortoise' mouth is turning black. I can't tell if it's just dirt that won't come off because I have her living in unfertilized topsoil. I've read about mouth rot and she doesn't have the symptoms, and I can't find anything else about her mouth turning black/dark brown.
  3. burgenotbird

    Baby eastern box won't eat

    I ordered my hatchling tortoise and got it last Monday. I have her in a humid environment with coco fiber to burrow in, a mug to hide in, and a little bowl of clean water. I also have a UVB lamp and heat lamp, I leave the heat lamp on 24/7 and the UVB during the day. Everyday I offer her...