Recent content by Eggtort

  1. Eggtort

    Looking to get a water turtle

    Well, there are a couple of options. But either way: you'll need to ensure that your desk space can house a 40 gallon tank. Because general rule of thumb is 10 gallons per 1". The smaller water turtles (common musk turtles are an option) get to be 4"-5" max, so you need to ensure that you can...
  2. Eggtort

    Happy 1 year spud!

    Yay Spud! Happy birthday lil buddy!
  3. Eggtort

    to late to rename my tort?

    Glad I'm not the only one that didn't immediately check!
  4. Eggtort

    Moving across country (7-8 day trip); seeking advice.

    Thank you everyone for your responses! :) I will post updates soon about travel info and with pics of the test enclosures for more advice!
  5. Eggtort

    Moving across country (7-8 day trip); seeking advice.

    Thank you very much! I will go ahead and do that this weekend to get her ready. I also did a shopping haul and picked up tons of spare clamps, UVA/UVB/ceramic heater bulbs, etc. so I can go ahead and start designing everything. :) I will be sure to post pictures about our travels when the time...
  6. Eggtort

    Moving across country (7-8 day trip); seeking advice.

    Thank you! We would be going south through warmer states but night driving will get chilly! Love that set up in your car, especially the cover and lamp idea!!
  7. Eggtort

    Moving across country (7-8 day trip); seeking advice.

    Hi everyone! So I know that similar threads like this exist- but many of them are from 2011-2012, so I was wondering if any of the information has changed. I currently have a Russian tortoise (along with 3 yellow-bellied sliders, but I have moved them before across multiple states so I have a...
  8. Eggtort

    Picky eating times?

    Hi everyone! Short update: thank you all so very much for your responses! I went ahead and provided greens all day, as some of you suggested (removing bad greens and keeping fresh greens ready at all times). Seems like she is doing her own schedule now and is happier this way rather than waking...
  9. Eggtort

    Picky eating times?

    Thank you both for your responses! I am sorry if this was a repost; I was having trouble finding a thread about time rather than food type.
  10. Eggtort

    Mixing species?

    There are some that you can possibly mix and others you cannot. It's safe to assume no. Because a lot of turtles (water ones) have very specialized requirements. For example: you might assume that you could keep a yellow-belly and a spotted together since they are both water. However, one enjoys...
  11. Eggtort

    to late to rename my tort?

    Fun story: When I first got my tortoise (I was unable to verify at the time I picked her up) I went with the name Eggbert, because I wrongly assumed that the tortoise I would be picking up would be male. Anyway, I guess that idea was stuck in my head, cause I never bothered to actually check...
  12. Eggtort

    Picky eating times?

    Hello everyone. I've had my Russian tort for approximately 3 months now. She is a rescue; her previous living conditions were pretty terrible, and she was on a diet of green beans and was severely underweight. Now she's a plump little thing and is on a highly varied diet. I use the Tortoise...
  13. Eggtort

    Need Advice: Info for Tortoise Babysitter

    Sorry for the slow responses! Thank you! I will give her account access and also verify that my contact info is correct!
  14. Eggtort

    Need Advice: Info for Tortoise Babysitter

    She will be living at the house for 80% of the time.
  15. Eggtort

    Need Advice: Info for Tortoise Babysitter

    Hi everyone, I'm going out of town for two weeks starting the 20th. I have hired a babysitter for my Russian tort. I plan on leaving spares of everything- bedding, lighting, etc. and providing a pre-paid visa for groceries. I have typed up a 'care guide' including feeding schedules, soaking...