Recent content by Gaia

  1. Gaia

    My sulcata's plastron, normal or not normal?

    Hello, I have not noticed any of these things from our sulcata.
  2. Gaia

    My sulcata's plastron, normal or not normal?

    Yes. We definitely hope it's nothing bad but just a visual thing.
  3. Gaia

    My sulcata's plastron, normal or not normal?

    The substrate is cypress mulch, we have a calcium bone in his home that he does feed on often. The uv bulb isn't far above him, about 8,9 inches above (65 watt bulb). We will take what you said and will start soaking him 3 times a week from now on. Or what do you think?
  4. Gaia

    My sulcata's plastron, normal or not normal?

    Yes, we keep him hydrated, soak him at least occe a week, and give him his weeds and grass, and we def have his uv during the winter. Have you seen it before with your tortoise?
  5. Gaia

    My sulcata's plastron, normal or not normal?

    Hi everyone, about 2 weeks ago I noticed that my sulcata tortoise's plastron line(the one that does down the middle) was off to the side now on the bottom. It is about 1 year 9 months old. I've attached a picture, is this normal?