Recent content by kaleandpeppers

  1. kaleandpeppers

    Sunflower greens?

    But is that the flower or the greens?
  2. kaleandpeppers

    Sunflower greens?

    I know dandelion greens are good, but my whole foods doesn't have those right now. They DO have sunflower greens. Are those alright though? Haven't been able to find information.
  3. kaleandpeppers

    sexing the Russian tortoise - conversation thread

    How to determine the sex of your Russian tortoise - with pics! When you say "mature" what age range is that? From the pictures, mine is definitely a mature male, I'm just wondering what the youngest he could be is. Thanks!
  4. kaleandpeppers

    Tortoise Home Humidity

    The vet I was talking to owns a Russian tortoise so that made me feel better, but thank you for the words of caution. How often do you soak and exactly how do you do that?
  5. kaleandpeppers

    Tortoise Home Humidity

    Okay. With a humidifier AND spraying often AND special tropical soil AND a digital reader they said to use I'm still getting low readings. A vet told me that I didn't really need to worry though because he's not a baby and he seems good.
  6. kaleandpeppers

    Tortoise Home Humidity

    I don't think he's a baby but he's definitely not full grown. I just ordered a better hydrometer and thermometer (digital with a suction cup probe). I had that stick on one. Thanks for all the advice!
  7. kaleandpeppers

    Tortoise Home Humidity

    Hi, I just got a Russian Tortoise, and I can't seem to get the humidity above 30%, but I know it needs to be at least 50%. I bought special tropical coconut fiber substrate to mix in (as directed when I asked petsmart for help) and I spray, but still no luck. Any ideas?