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  • New thermometer and Hydrometers purchased 💓 • just placed in room•
    hydro level range 79%-99%
    Temp range 87-90 Fahrenheit//30.57-32.22C

    I placed them all around for a full round up.
    Humidity levels are rising.

    Also, so sorry for everybody who keeps seeing this it’s primarily being used for myself as a journal
    Reading up on RF. Theyre supposed to like a list of things including cuttlebone, did I purchase a (sorry) defective (sorry) RF? They don’t act or do RF things I find on this forum. •they don’t act sick, no bubbles, no goop from any places, no shell rot, no pyramiding. Humidity is high, I got new lights (prev thread)
    I’m lost. I hope they’ll act according to the book 👏🏼😭
    Alex and the Redfoot
    Alex and the Redfoot
    RFs sometimes drastically change their food preferences (stop eating one thing and start eating something it didn't touch for years).

    Cuttlebone is often ignored for months and then devoured in a day (it's common among all tortoises not only RF).
    Alex and the Redfoot
    Alex and the Redfoot
    It's not a bad idea to do a vet checkup (for parasites, beak anomalies and such). But finding a good vet is not easy.

    In the meanwhile, you can try to tweak temperatures a little bit, e.g. raise for 2-3F for a couple of days. Sometimes thermostats/thermometers can be off for some degrees.
    I just bought 2 new thermostats & hygrometer, so there will be a total of 4 in her tank to make sure. I’m a little obsessed I guess.
    I just put Speedy on the scale (very first weigh in since adoption on May 19)
    1.25 oz - I have NOTHING to go off of.
    I’ll take weight in a few days time to make sure they’re not dropping
    Saw a wonderful post about giving tough love to picky eaters. How long does this work?

    I’m doing my best to get Speedy to consume greens; they’re OBSESSED with strawberries!! Adorable but annoying 😂🐢💓
    pellets & cactus. Yesterday Romaine lettuce & flower mix. Speedy really loves strawberries and cucumbers, but I’m afraid if I continue to give them that they won’t eat anything else. I keep a daily journal regarding what food they receive bath time and their bowel movements as well. speedy hasn’t given their food much of a thought but it’s only been 2 days
    Alex and the Redfoot
    Alex and the Redfoot
    Strawberries are mushed easily with other foods, worth to give it a try. What about mushrooms, mango or papaya? They can't resist ripe fruit, usually - let freshly bought fruit to lay in a dark warm place for a 3-4 days in a closed bag.
    In a dark bag? I never thought about that. Thank you! Speedy hasn’t touched the mango. But she/he is on the bowl. I did make an apt for the vet next week. So let us see what the issue is (if any)
    thank you again for everybody who had helped me set up Speedy’s tank properly
    They have been more active and alert. Currently are consuming some cucumbers and orange peppers.
    I did notice that they are not a fan of the regular tortoise food that I had purchased, but instead really enjoy produce. But I do add calcium and cactus so at least I know they’re getting some of what they should be eating
    I also went ahead and bought more hides and more plants to introduce into the enclosure, and I bought a fiber mat so that is the substrate will be covered.
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