Recent content by Onee indah

  1. Onee indah

    Little Molly needs help

    Guys... I'm sorry... Molly didn't make it... T_T ... I feel so sad but also relief... At least he's not in pain anymore... My poor Molly has rested in peace... Thank you for all of your supports...
  2. Onee indah

    Little Molly needs help

    I got good news and bad news. Goodnews is I finally found a good vet who understand exotic animal, bad news is, I just came back from his clinic, and he said there's a 50:50 chance that my Molly gonna make it. The wounds got rotten and it's bad, because it's like everywhere, front legs, back...
  3. Onee indah

    Little Molly needs help

    Well, the wounds looks less goey... But I notice she has trouble to breath now... She open her mouth a lot... Like gasping for air...
  4. Onee indah

    Little Molly needs help

    Thanks you all... It's been 10 days since molly go attacked... The wound seems to heal, but she doesn't look ok... She got more passive, not willing to eat, It's been 3 days now.... I'm so frustrated... She got swollen eyes and foamy mouth... I did what the vet told me, clean her wound twice a...
  5. Onee indah

    Turtle got bitten by rat and lost his front paws, need advice

    I guess you got your point there...:( But we did try to trap them way back then, but didn't seems to work... Them rats were so smart... They took the bait but didn't trigger the trap... That's why we tried the poison later. Feel bad for the owl though :(...
  6. Onee indah

    Turtle got bitten by rat and lost his front paws, need advice

    Oh, so it is female then? Should I put a lamp to keep her warm? I bask her in the morning for 15 min, but at night I don't put a lamp in her bucket. I did put uv light for insect the night before, in hoping it will killed germ and bacteria to sterilized the wound... But I'm not really sure it...
  7. Onee indah

    Turtle got bitten by rat and lost his front paws, need advice

    Thank you... You have settled our long time question, is it a male or female... All these years we have assumed that he was female... And named him Molly... I don't put him back in our back yard now.. I put him in a bucket with old t-shirt to soften the surface like in the picture I send. I want...
  8. Onee indah

    Turtle got bitten by rat and lost his front paws, need advice

    That's my concern too... With the nasty look of the wounds, I'm so worry that it will got infection. It already got antibiotic shot from the vet when I took it there 2 days ago. The vet prescribed me with antibiotic cream and powder. He said to clean it with antiseptic fluid and apply the...
  9. Onee indah

    Turtle got bitten by rat and lost his front paws, need advice

    Well, I did put some poison for them after that...
  10. Onee indah

    Turtle got bitten by rat and lost his front paws, need advice

    We have this turtle living in our back yard for 23 years, and never really taken care properly. 3 days a go it got bitten by rat, and lost it's front paws and some flesh got ripped off on back paws. There's no vet here that really understood about turtle, but the one I came to, told me to clean...
  11. Onee indah

    Little Molly needs help

    Hi, thanks for the advice. I will try that, I really need some help here, coz I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not...
  12. Onee indah

    Little Molly needs help

    Thank you, and yes, I hope so too... And I hope I'm doing the right things to her, coz I don't really now how to treat her condition and there's not much help from the vet here too... That's what brought me here... Some of the old threads really helped me on how to handle this condition...
  13. Onee indah

    Little Molly needs help

    Hi everyone, I'm indah from Indonesia. I have this fresh water turtle named Molly, which has been inhabitting our back yard for 23 years. We don't really, like feed her or taking care of her. Most of the time she hidden somewhere damp and cool, and occasionally showed up. When she did, my mom...