Recent content by raelin31

  1. raelin31

    New desert tortoise owner with a couple questions...

    Thanks Tom! I'll check out Peaceful and Tyler. Yes, water out (shaded) 24/7 and a soaking tub available too.[hr] Yes, I definitely should look into the mulberry tree. I hadn't heard of Cape Cod honeysuckle, so I'll look that up too! Lots of great ideas. Thank you!
  2. raelin31

    New desert tortoise owner with a couple questions...

    Thank you... I'll definitely take a look at these site!
  3. raelin31

    New desert tortoise owner with a couple questions...

    Thank you! I had read that about spinach and worried about that too... The Spring Mix I bought at Costco doesn't seem to have a whole lot of it, but I will definitely watch out for that and try and pick some of it out. I guess I just need to get my weeds a growin'! Thanks again!
  4. raelin31

    New desert tortoise owner with a couple questions...

    Yes, they are outside in our backyard. Well, a yard of hard packed dirt... so no grazing yet. I bought several seed pouches of "Desert Tortoise Mixture" from a nursery in California that specializes in CA native plants (Theodore Payne Nursery). I plan on trying to get the stuff to grow during...
  5. raelin31

    New desert tortoise owner with a couple questions...

    Thank you! I'll look for the tortoise bone... I just have the regular cuttlebones right now.
  6. raelin31

    New desert tortoise owner with a couple questions...

    Hello! I am a new tortoise "mom" who just adopted two female desert tortoises and have a few questions. Although I don't know how old they are, my guess is at least 30. The previous owner (who is moving to a colder climate) had them for 15 years and the owner before her had them for 10. I...