Recent content by sebakachan

  1. sebakachan

    What kind of tortoise?

    Yes I just looked at Joe, and thats exactly what Fred looks like! I belive tommy and shelly were Hermans, but to be honest, I am not entirely sure. I'll be looking up methods of keeping tortoises warm in the UK. and hopefully I'll be alright with a baby
  2. sebakachan

    What kind of tortoise?

    Hello there! My mum used to have 3! Though i think because 2 of them (fred, the one who is alive now and shelly, who died last year) were raised together. Tommy was adopted by her a few years back, but he died sadly. Thank you so much for your advice! I live in Nottingham, so we get a mixture of...
  3. sebakachan

    What kind of tortoise?

    So would you instead reccomend buying a bigger tank?
  4. sebakachan

    What kind of tortoise?

    My mother has a 54 year old tortoise that she keeps out doors, and I have quite a big garden, and shouldnt havr any trouble creating an area for one to live in. My only real concerns are for when the tortoise is a baby... i have a tank at the moment that i have kept turtles, fish, and now...
  5. sebakachan

    What kind of tortoise?

    Thank you very much
  6. sebakachan

    What kind of tortoise?

    I live in the UK. And by small I mean like 120cm x 50cm tank. I'm fine with keeping up to date with humidity and tempurature, however, like I said, I'll be out the house quite often because of work and college, so the tortoise would have to be alright home alone for say 6-10 hours a day
  7. sebakachan

    What kind of tortoise?

    I'm hoping to get a tortoise soon (my mother already owns one, but he is over 50 years old and I would really like a baby). I was wondering what species would be best for me. I need a tortoise that: ~Doesn't grow very big (as small as possible please!) ~Needs a relatively small tank ~Can live...