Recent content by tenshi:3

  1. tenshi:3

    Chaco Tortoise Male or Female???

    Thank you all for your comments, its helping a lot. I plan to make her an somewhat large outdoor pen and a 3x2 indoor one. In Seattle its still pretty cold now in May, I hope it heats up soon. I'll be sure to get her some cactus and her greens. I bought her a soaking pool with a ramp and a...
  2. tenshi:3

    Chaco Tortoise Male or Female???

    Yes, I am currently looking to get her a larger area. Maybe like 3' by 2' for indoors. Outdoor I was thinkiing 2' by 4'. Or is that still too small? Maybe a gated area would be better outside, but I have lots of wildlife passing in my backyard... Ill try to find some fir bark in the pet store...
  3. tenshi:3

    Chaco Tortoise Male or Female???

    I soak my tortoise but like once a week, when she is not hiberating every 3 days. She is in a 2 ft by 1 ft aquarium with dirt as substrate (very dry and sand like). Temperatures can be in the 60s, tops 70s most days. Humidity i believe is like 50-60%. My pet does not have a waterbowl.
  4. tenshi:3

    Chaco Tortoise Male or Female???

    Hello, I am new! My name is Tenshi and my tortoise is named Raphaelina after the Teenage Mutant Ninga Turtle Raphael. I have a Chaco tortoise from Santiago del Estero, Argentina. I have had her (?) for about 5 years now. I live in Seattle area, I'll admit I only fed her what I knew she liked...