Recent content by thebeebe5

  1. thebeebe5

    new member intro and recent unexpected Sulcata keeper

    Not completely. Again.... I had a triplet of box turtles growing up in FL. One was a common Florida box turtle, terrapene carolina bauri, and two were Eastern box turtles, terrapene carolina carolina. I had the Florida the longest (20+ years), and he died while my wife and I lived in Tx...
  2. thebeebe5

    new member intro and recent unexpected Sulcata keeper

    Tom, thanks for the validation.... Some things I remember from the shop I used to work in (owner had a zoology degree and extensive reptile and amphibian background so I was fairly well taught) and while I couldnt recall the name urates I didn't think it looked right either. Hoping the link...
  3. thebeebe5

    new member intro and recent unexpected Sulcata keeper

    I did email a link to diet info thread. Think their animals get fresh corn and tomatoes along with zuchini in the diet. Not so much grasses, and I think they'd have a healthier pair with more grass in the diet. But this fellow didn't seem unhealthy so..... One thing I'd wondered about was its...
  4. thebeebe5

    new member intro and recent unexpected Sulcata keeper

    Update: Found the owner!! I found this fellow Friday am and we've been housing him in a bathtub at night and taking him on walks in the park during the day to graze on bermuda grass etc. We had posted to the neighborhood watch coordinator Friday morning assuming he would pass the info...
  5. thebeebe5

    new member intro and recent unexpected Sulcata keeper

    Just a quick intro from Surprise AZ. Found the site (as many surely do) searching for info on a tortoise I found this past week wandering the streets of our neighborhood. Not having much knowledge on them I wondered if it was a Desert Tortoise or if it was a (what we called in the mid 90's at...
  6. thebeebe5

    Location: Surprise, AZ

    Location: Surprise, AZ