Recent content by Thelolagirl

  1. Thelolagirl


    Hello from South Dakota!
  2. Thelolagirl


    Hi thanks everyone! Yes I think her beak probably needs a trim. I've been feeding her food on a flat,rough rock and also got her a calcium block and will see if she likes that (I've heard mixed reviews as some tortoises won't touch their blocks). I will have to take her for a check up and maybe...
  3. Thelolagirl


    Hello! I recently adopted my first Russian Tortoise. Her previous owner wasn't sure of her age but thought she could be 15 years old or so. We named her Luna. I have been learning so much and am excited to be a part of this forum! Winters are cold here. I am interested in learning how to keep...
  4. Thelolagirl

    Is this adequate housing

    It looks a lot like a tub I have and it's 50 gallons.