Recent content by zhengzhu0209

  1. zhengzhu0209

    One week old vs. one year old...

    OK the third one is here as well.
  2. zhengzhu0209

    One week old vs. one year old...

    The sibling just came out. (top)
  3. zhengzhu0209

    One week old vs. one year old...

    The bigger one is around 4". Smaller one is a sub 2".
  4. zhengzhu0209

    Just hatched....

    This baby Radiated is very active right after emerging. More to come... (hopefully) This is the second year for me to successfully hatch these adorable babies. :)
  5. zhengzhu0209

    My home-bred Rad babies and a new female adult pics to share

    - Taiwan - They start laying egg by Oct/Nov here. Daily temperature is something between 20° to 27°。 2 to 4 eggs each clutch. This can continue to February, where the daily temperature is between 13° to 24°, roughly. - I got quite a few eggs but only 3 were out. Still trying to know the secrets...
  6. zhengzhu0209

    First-timer breeder for Rad

    I collected around 25 in their breeding history, but only 3 came out. Still figuring out the secrets to a successful incubation. Someone suggested me to leave the eggs there outdoors for 2 weeks before sending to incubator. The outdoor temperature on my successful hatching was between 20 to 25...
  7. zhengzhu0209

    First-timer breeder for Rad

    The adult is around 12 years old and I've been collecting eggs for 2 years. I see them mating frequently now. Wish me some luck this year. At of today, I got 2-4 eggs each clutch. 3 clutches in a 5-month period.
  8. zhengzhu0209

    First-timer breeder for Rad

    A recent picture to share. Still praying for the second clutch.
  9. zhengzhu0209

    Could u believe it??

    I happen to see an adult grown from a similar one like this. Still very impressive, but not like the juvenile. More black will appear as it grows.
  10. zhengzhu0209

    First-timer breeder for Rad

    Any time! Glad to know you here.
  11. zhengzhu0209

    First-timer breeder for Rad

    Oh yes. I also bred my Sulcata but only one came out.
  12. zhengzhu0209

    First-timer breeder for Rad

    Oh yes the male is the third one (from left) and female is the 4th. As of today, there carapace length is around 35cm. The female was 30cm when I collect the first clutch of eggs (2). But this is the first time for me to successfully hatched them out. The upper left and the upper right...
  13. zhengzhu0209

    First-timer breeder for Rad

    I didn't get big surprise when I got my baby because everything is so planned. But seeing these baby tortoises coming out is really surprising.