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  • I saw your excellent RT care sheet, and wonder whether you recommend the 5.5" or 8.5" CHE dome for use with the 54 Rubbermaid gallon?
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    Reactions: biochemnerd808
    I would get the larger one, since it is less likely to cause an accumulation of heat above the main part of the bulb. :)
    hi i wanna buy your T. g. buxtoni do you want to sell ?
    Hi Duhi,
    the T.g. buxtoni is not mine, it belongs to our local reptile rescue. I am fostering/rehabbing him.
    Could you please send a PM with more information about your tortoise set-up etc? When the time comes, I will have some sway in where the tortoise goes. There is one keeper who is local who is interested, and who has a female of the same subspecies.
    Hello Katie, my r torts laid eggs but my incu wont be here till Mon. I left them in the dirt where she left them buried in nest. I have an indoor enclosure, room is about 70 degrees but under heatlamp about 85. The tort laid the eggs and buried them about 4 inches deep in the soil. The heat lamp is directly above the nest. Should I turn the lamp off at night? Sorry if this is not how to post a question. I'm new. :)
    When you dig them up, do it VERY carefully, and as soon as they are uncovered, mark the side that is facing up with a pencil - you want to make sure they don't get rotated at all (steady hands!). It's fine for the lamp to turn off at night - it gets colder at night in the wild. Then of course in the incubator, it will be on day and night.
    For incubation substrate, I use bone dry vermiculite, but for air humidity in the incubator, I place 2 containers (old butter tubs e.g.) with warm water. I've had a really good hatch rate using this method, which I learned from Melissa (@kanalomele ).
    Once incubating, resist the urge to mess with the eggs. I don't touch them at all, I briefly candle them (without touching) at 5 or 6 weeks. Aside from that, I just wait. :)
    Good luck!
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