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  • I have a African sicata tortoise i don’t know the sex or how old it is, my cousin who passed left it behind, so IM now taking care of it, everything looks good with it, but i have not seen it once drink any water, i have have given it , cucumbers and hay and some romaine lettuce, along with tutle pellets it doesn’t seem interested in so now it doesn’t get any, i often moist the leafy greens, and it soaks 3x a week,
    Question i had was am i doing everything right? It lays out in the sun daily, i did notice some white on its shell like around its patterns on its shell, what could that be from?
    Alex and the Redfoot
    Alex and the Redfoot
    Hello and welcome! Your post is a "profile status update" and probably will go unseen. Please, can you make a thread in Introductions or Sulcata Tortoises section (use green button "Post thread" on the top right of the main forum page)?

    Photos of the tortoise (top, bottom shell, tail area) and its enclosure would help tremendously. Especially with the "white patterns" thing. Also what it is its age, size, weight?
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