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  1. R

    New Burmese Star Tortoise Owner

    Thanks for answering my first set of questions! I will watch the humidity levels, and see if I need to untape some or all of the vents.
  2. R

    New Burmese Star Tortoise Owner

    Thanks! I have an acrylic box-type enclosure with sliding front glass doors. There are vents on the sides, but I taped them closed. Should I remove the tape? Thanks for all the other great info!
  3. R

    New Burmese Star Tortoise Owner

    Thanks! Yes, I would probably put him out when I was out gardening, so I could watch the heat/predator situation--always with water and a hide. I know he's too little for a lot of outside time. I like your kiddie pool idea--cheap, but big. Thanks for welcoming me here. I missed being part of the...
  4. R

    New Burmese Star Tortoise Owner

    Thanks! I haven't set anything up for outside yet, so thanks for the tip. I do have low-sided sweater boxes I could use. I took my setup advice from lurking on this site. I'll take your advice that Juno is getting enough air. She appears to be functioning just fine, but a closed chamber is a new...
  5. R

    New Burmese Star Tortoise Owner

    Hi! I got a Burmese Star yearling (almost 3 inches) about a year ago, not yet sexed, but named Juno. I had a raised a Russian yearling with my son for six years, but my son took over his car in 2021 when he moved to his own place. So, I am familiar with basic tortoise care. This is the first...