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  1. K


    Here's a few of my little Oscar!
  2. K

    Russian Tortoise diet

    Hi Hix2008! I appreciate your comment! Yes, Oscar rarely if ever eats kale or other weeds like that. I'm not sure if he was only fed spring mix in the pet store, but that's all he likes! And I'm not sure about the mixed opinions about fruit and beans, but two veterinarians did tell me they were...
  3. K

    Russian Tortoise diet

    Thanks for the help.. Weird, I talked to two of the local reptile veterinarians on the phone, and they said fruit was good in moderation. They also said beans were okay, they each gave me a list which included all of the foods I listed above. And yes, I only give him carrots about once a month...
  4. K

    Russian Tortoise diet

    Hi! So I'm sort of a new tortoise owner, I got Oscar in December. I just wanted to make sure what I was feeding him was okay, and if anyone knows of some other good foods to give him, that would be great! The foods I usually feed him are: spring mix of greens, sometimes lettuce (rarely), fruits...
  5. K

    Another Dog Story...

    Surprisingly, my Shih Tzu is more afraid of my Russian tort than he is of her! Though I never leave the two unsupervised, I am happy to see the two get along! :)
  6. K


    Hi everyone! My name's Khloe! I'm from Pennsylvania, US. My parents bought me a young Russian tortoise in December, and I named him Oscar! I'm looking forward to figuring out how to use Tortoise Forum and getting the advice of experienced tort owners! Thanks! :)