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  1. P

    Setting up for a Russian Tortoise - Constructive comments welcome

    Hi David, welcome to the forum. I hope you and Sandy will have many happy years together and I'm sure Hi David, welcome to the forum. Sorry for your loss. You have done a super job researching how best to care for your Tortoise and It sounds like Sandy is going to be a very much-loved member of...
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    Teramycin Powder

  3. P

    Teramycin Powder

    Update on Pippen: His nasal discharge has cleared and he isnt rattling when he breathes. He does not like the taste of the paste and I'm now hiding it in hollowed out baby marrows.
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    Teramycin Powder

    dd33 do you know how long the course duration for the injectable oxytet would be please?
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    Teramycin Powder

    I am asking what the duration of a course of injectable oxy is, future reference. If I have an alternative to Baytril and it is available and has minimal risk of adverse reactions in Leopard Tortoises, I want to know how it is used for any others that come in. Pip has already started on his...
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    Teramycin Powder

    How long would the course be?
  7. P

    Teramycin Powder

    Thank you Mark! I'll give him a call tomorrow.
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    Teramycin Powder

    He said the the dosage / volume I'd need for Pip was not practical an it would be daily shots for at least 45 days.
  9. P

    Teramycin Powder

    He said the the dosage / volume I'd need for Pip was not practical and it would be daily shots for at least 45 days.
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    Teramycin Powder

    Thanks Maggie. Stressed out trying to do whats best for my Boy, but with limited options and not enough knowlege about meds. I'm learning. Glad your tort recovered.
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    Teramycin Powder

  12. P

    Teramycin Powder

    Maybe if you read all the posts where I've stated that We Cannot Get The Powder Here, you may understand why the vet has recommended the paste. I've also stated that Pippen is a 17kg, 47cm long, 34cm wide Leopard Tortoise and the dosgae of the powder, If It Was Available, would be about 35g...
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    Teramycin Powder

    I would love to g
  14. P

    Teramycin Powder

    True. The tetracycline paste tastes gross, highly unpalatable to me. I was curious to 🤷🏻‍♀️ I regularly feed the Leopards cactus pads that I've cleaned of all the spikes. There are several sites that I go harvest cactus from because they love it so much.
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    Teramycin Powder

    These are exotic vets that treat the turtles at our oceanarium and reptile house. We've found a fair number of wild tortoises with urti that were left at the drop off point there. We suspect that these "wild" tortoises may have been kept in captivity and then released back into the wild. He was...
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    Teramycin Powder

    My vet said it is not the right antibiotic for mycoplasma. I have used Taziject before, the vet gave me a prescription that could only be filled by our hospital. Had to be reconstituted with saline solution.
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    Teramycin Powder

  18. P

    Baytril Injections for Leopard Daily?

    Our vet took advice from the Ondertsepoort Vetrinary Hospital & Research facility before taking this route, so please wish us well and I will advise on Pip's progress.
  19. P

    Teramycin Powder

    I really wish I could get the powder, but no one here will sell it, they say they it is "old school" and not effective against th more drug resistant strains of bacteria. Pip is not a small tortoise and I would need to soak him the bath, I'm not sure what kind of dosage I would need in about 30...
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    Teramycin Powder

    I'm sorry you thought my response was rude, it wasn't meant to be. Several other members have said that tetracycline is my best option.