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  1. M

    Russian tortoise outdoor

  2. M

    Russian tortoise outdoor

    I want to make an outdoor pen for my rusdian tortoise. We dont own the land do i dont want to put down anything permanant however im affraid of hin digging out. I want to be able to leave him outside on the nice hot days and not habe to worry/ look at him every five seconds to make sure hasnt...
  3. M

    Building indoor enclosure first time

    Thats actually so smart, what kind of liner? Like weed liner?
  4. M

    Building indoor enclosure first time

    Hi im wanting to build an indoor enclosure for my russian tortoise and i dont know where to start. I currently have an amazon one thats around 4' by 2' and he deserves better. Im not a handy person so i dont know where to start. The area im looking to build would be around 7' by 4' and i want...