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  1. Alecjb12

    Baby Sulcata - Dents on Plastron

    Thank you all for your responses! I’m so glad to be back in the forum. I made my first account here in 2012, but lost access to the email that was linked to it unfortunately…but here’s my new one! I will definitely try to provide a more varied diet. My lawn consists of a variety of weeds...
  2. Alecjb12

    Baby Sulcata - Dents on Plastron

    It might also be helpful to note that the tortoise’s plastron is pretty springy/soft.
  3. Alecjb12

    Baby Sulcata - Dents on Plastron

    Hello All, I just noticed my baby Sulcata has some pretty deep dents on his plastron. I received him a couple weeks ago and haven’t noticed them before, but I could have just missed them as I don’t assess his plastron regularly, or at all. Please see the attached pictures and let me know if...