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  1. J

    Brumation with wild caught.

    I've been getting told so many different things it's just confusing. And we have a few acres of land. The area close to us is all clay but id rather keep him close by some we have foxes and when we don't have foxes we have coyotes lol. I might avoid brumation all together I've been told it can...
  2. J

    Help. Sick box turtle

    Okay I'm glad it doesn't have any negative affects with keeping him in all winter. That's a huge relief, it's the middle of summer and I was already stressing lol
  3. J

    Trimming beak & nails

    Ok that's a relief, I was told he looked like he had issues with his back legs by a rescue but that could have just been because he was very underweight ans was having trouble moving around at that time
  4. J

    Trimming beak & nails

    Yes, he walks like that outside as well. Would the nails be causing him to walk like that or do you think it's something else? It's been worrying me but with all the other issues I found him with it wasn't my main concern.
  5. J

    Trimming beak & nails

    Both of his back legs look the same. Also I posted a video of him walking
  6. J

    Trimming beak & nails

    He has access to cuttlebone but he doesn't eat it. I got him a couple weeks ago with a bad respiratory infection and I just got him to start eating... He's only willing to eat while he's soaking in the bath at the moment so I haven't been able to dust his food with calcium but I do have it. Also...
  7. J

    Trimming beak & nails

    His front nails look fine I was just wondering about the back
  8. J

    Trimming beak & nails

    My box turtle is walking weird and I think his back nails are overgrown but I'm not positive. His beak looks a little long to me too but idk. I don't have any exotic vets near me that'll take box turtles, any advice?. Is it safe to trim the nails yourself? I can get a quick stop it it is im...
  9. J

    Brumation with wild caught.

    Ok that's awesome, the thought of brumation scares me a lil 😭 ok it's natural but I'm so worried I'd do something wrong. Plus that's so much time for them to be away
  10. J

    Brumation with wild caught.

    I live in Ohio in the woods. The majority of my yard is red clay and our winters thaw and freeze multiple times before the end of winter... We had a TUN of leaves tho lol Also if he doesn't go to the grassy area does that mean he'd not read? And can of be bad if they don't brumate? Can it...
  11. J

    Help. Sick box turtle

    So it's ok to not brumate even if they have past years? Again I don't know much about this scenario- I understand the concept of brumation I just wasn't sure if the turtle would get stressed not being
  12. J

    Help. Sick box turtle

    I wasn't sure if it was bad on their health to not let them brumate after doing it for years already. Also I'm pretty sure he got his respiratory infection from coming out of brumation during the first thaw and go caught up in the cold weather so I'm really worried about him getting sick again...
  13. J

    Brumation with wild caught.

    I recently got a sick box turtle off the side of the road. I had planned on getting him better and putting him back where he came from once he was all good. I looked into rescues, exotic vets, conservation programs in my area, and wild life centers that might be willing to take him once he's...
  14. J

    Help. Sick box turtle

    Okay thank you! I really appreciate the help :)
  15. J

    Help. Sick box turtle

    Actually I've been wondering about brumation for next year with this little guy. He was wild but I was advised to keep him. I've never delt with that before tho and I'm not sure how to go about it - figure I should ask now rather than waiting till last minute so I know what to do and expect lol
  16. J

    Help. Sick box turtle

    I have 3 hatchlings now and their names are tiny t (my sister named the one) Diglett, and Sid. I named the youngest sid because he only has 2 toes on one legg and it looks like a sloth hand lol. I was thinking of something along the lines of an anime character that's missing a hand or a...
  17. J

    Help. Sick box turtle

    Video of the lil guy, any name ideas??
  18. J

    Help. Sick box turtle

    Idk if you'll see this but I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who's been helping us. It means a lot and we just hit a new milestone in his recovery. He's finally eating!!! He's only willing to eat in the bath but I've got him eating blueberries and worms. We still have to force feed him...
  19. J

    Help. Sick box turtle

    Ooooo ok lol thanks!
  20. J

    Help. Sick box turtle

    What is wttc?