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  1. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    I picked up a spider plant & pothos last weekend from a local nursery, they said they didn’t use pesticides but I’m not certain if they had been sprayed with pesticides previously, because they get them from a distributor so most likely they have been sprayed at one point. I removed them from...
  2. Sulcata_AZ

    A Tort Growth Thread

    😂 good idea
  3. Sulcata_AZ

    A Tort Growth Thread

    He’s putting on some weight, got a little nervous last time I weighed him. He wasn’t too excited to be weighed this morning. And his official name is littlefoot, took us a bit to decide but we’ve got a hognose named ducky so my wife thought it would be cute for a land before time theme.
  4. Sulcata_AZ

    A Tort Growth Thread

    A little lower in weight this week.
  5. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    “Sploots” that’s a good word for it. Definitely I will keep an eye on him tomorrow to see what times he “sploots” at. Is this him splooting? Taken 2 weeks ago in his old cage, actually the timestamp shows that was taken at 4:02pm.
  6. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    Okay I’ve adjusted the uvb settings and adjusted the heat lamps.
  7. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    That seems like a lot better than I have it setup now. So maybe a 9am start, ramp up to 100% by 11am, then start coming down at 3pm to 6pm? I’m still so new tortoises and obviously very new to programmable uvb so thank you for all the help!
  8. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    Got the uvb light installed, added some cork bark panels and a fake shrub I had laying around for more shade and hides. I’m going to go to a local nursery to look for some live plants that were recommended. The Arcadia Lumenize is some pretty cool tech, T5 39w D3+ desert 12% lamp. From 6am to...
  9. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    Thanks for the information that’s good to know. And thank you for the correction on species & breeds. Mary knobbins is a great name. That is a very kind and wonderful thing that you do for those tortoises.
  10. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    yes that's what I meant, I also realized after saying 8'x2'x2' that it was nowhere near enough and was thinking more 8'x3-4'x2
  11. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    I've got some stuff coming, 12"x16" cork bark panels and fake foliage and I will be checking out the nearby nursery for some foliage plants and picking up some terracotta pots. Is Pothos an option because I have a lot of it. It was more of a question on whether the enclosure would be enough to...
  12. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    Okay cool, I was just surprised by him not stopping 😅 And I ordered an Arcadia proT5 Lumenize 36” with 12% UVB tube. I saw they had this one called lumenize which seems like a cool feature and will be useful in the future for whatever lizard goes in this tank. I also ordered some cork bark...
  13. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    He’s literally zooming around the enclosure doing laps and has pretty much not stopped since I put him in there, fastest I’ve ever seen him move too. This is a good thing right? Before he would move around quite a bit but not like what he’s doing now. And he would spend a lot of time in the...
  14. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    Okay then I will get the arcadia T5 lamp/tube that was recommended by @Littleredfootbigredheart I'll get some flower pots and cork bark pieces, is pothos an option because I have a lot of that 😅
  15. Sulcata_AZ

    Hello, new member with a baby sulcata, looking for critiques or recommendations for its current enclosure

    I felt like posting an update on Torts housing situation. I had purchased this 4x2x2 enclosure to eventually house a lizard of some kind. Well I’ve just been looking at it empty and sitting there with all this space and felt that it was unfair to tort. So for the time being it’s the...
  16. Sulcata_AZ

    A Tort Growth Thread

    Tort was fresh out of the soak tub
  17. Sulcata_AZ

    A Tort Growth Thread

    Forgot to post yesterday, here’s the weekly update.
  18. Sulcata_AZ

    A Tort Growth Thread
