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  1. M


    Thank you,
  2. M


    Thank you I’ll get some asap .
  3. M


    I’ve not heard of Mazuri but I’ll get some . Thanks
  4. M


    Hadn’t thought of baby food . Ta
  5. M


    Yes I am doing that and putting watermelon in the mix to help his dehydration but he’s not eating hardly anything . I’ve even blended his food for him but again hardly anything .
  6. M


    The vet told me that it’s broken . I wasn’t really impressed with the vet myself but it’s the only one in my area that deals with reptiles . I am going to call the vets again monday . If he needs to be tube fed then I need to be shown how to do it properly and know what I should give him .
  7. M


    A friend got him out of his run to show her child and she did what I asked her not to do and that was not to take her eyes off him as they move quicker than you’d think and my garden is huge . He’d been missing since end of July . I found him heading into my greenhouse. I’m giving him a bath...
  8. M


    Please can you help . My 23yr old Herman’s has broken his palette and beak and is struggling to eat . He’s been to vets but the only advice was not to hibernate him ( which I wouldn’t have done anyway ). I’m so worried about my boy , any advice would really help .