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  1. Tommyboy3454

    Found Russian Tortoise in Brookfield Illinois

    Thanks! Thanks!
  2. Tommyboy3454

    Found Russian Tortoise in Brookfield Illinois

    Can you tell from these pics if it’s male or female?
  3. Tommyboy3454

    Found Russian Tortoise in Brookfield Illinois

    Ok. Doing this now.
  4. Tommyboy3454

    Found Russian Tortoise in Brookfield Illinois

    Not releasing. Soaking it now. Set up a large bin with potting soil. Bought collard, turnip greens and squash to feed it. Seems very friendly and curious.
  5. Tommyboy3454

    Looking for Russian in Indiana

    Yes. Looking to find out if someone lost this also.
  6. Tommyboy3454

    Looking for Russian in Indiana

    Absolutely. I need help taking care of this guy until I find somewhere for him to go. Not sure what to do. I will send the pics as soon as I’m able. Thanks.
  7. Tommyboy3454

    Looking for Russian in Indiana

    I happened to find a Russian tortoise walking down my sidewalk today while walking my dogs. I am in Brookfield Illinois.
  8. Tommyboy3454

    Found Russian Tortoise in Brookfield Illinois

    Found walking down my sidewalk while walking my dogs. Not sure what to do but don’t want to just let it go unless I really have to. I don’t know if it would survive our winter. Any help greatly appreciated.