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  1. slsauer1


    Name's Sabrina and I HOPE I'm doing a good job w/ him. =)
  2. slsauer1


    Oh sorry about that. lol I don't have pics yet but will try to get some posted.
  3. slsauer1


    Thank you for your comments! =) I currently have him in a rubbermaid container (the kind that can slide under a bed) w/ fine peat moss as "bedding", 50W basking lamp, 140W UV lamp. I keep the "bedding" around his cubby hole moist and soak him daily. I also keep a small dish of water in his flat...
  4. slsauer1


    I'm totally new at this kind of thing so hopefully I'll figure it out. I have a Sulcata tort named Tiny, who is supposedly about 14-15 months old. I have had him for 10 months and just love it! Tiny's shell began pyramiding right after I got him even though I was weaning him off of strictly...