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  1. lauren80

    Slow worm living alongside tortoises

    I was taken by suprise today when picking some weeds for my two russians... (they have munched the flower heads from the bottom of the plant and are unable to reach the flowers on top, bless 'em!).. to find a slow worm hiding in the soil, it slide off very quickly so i was unable to take a...
  2. lauren80

    Can two male russians ever live together?

    I have posted before asking for help about the gender of my two russians..?I have since been flashed by both of them, confirming they are male!! They are captive breed and approximately 4 and 3 yrs old. The older one Pebbles shows BamBam who's boss fairly often, and I separate them when this...
  3. lauren80

    Can you help me with the sex...again???

    I have uploaded pictures before..but I am still unsure of Pebbles sex, some times the tail is tucked under, sometimes its straight out. 'she' is bigger than her friend BamBam, but aprox. a year older (3 yrs old ish)...BamBam is definately a boy..I was shocked when I first saw his bits:D!!! ha...
  4. lauren80

    Temperature control

    My Russian Tortoise have an inside enclosure, with a heat lamp and UV light. During the summer months they have spend most of their time outside (when it's not been raining) and to be honsest I prefer that for them as they seem more at home digging, grazing, basking and hiding from me!!! But...
  5. lauren80

    can anyone tell me the gender?

    This is pebbles and BamBam..Pebbles is the bigger one and about 3, we were told that she was a girl..but I think boy, epecially the behaviour s/he displays. BamBam is about 2.
  6. lauren80

    injured tortoise

    I noticed a week ago my tortoise had injured his shell..its almost like a little chip on his side, either he has caught it or maybe the other tortoise has bit him? it bleed a little but didn't seem to be anything serious..and he seems happy. however, I has just given his a bath and noticed it is...
  7. lauren80

    Lost tortoise

    Hi I have just joined tody. i have had my two for a year now (pebbles and BamBam) and we love them to bits. As its a warm day they have been outside...we have a walled garden so there is no way they could escape..I know that russians are good climbers, but six foot might be a bit extreme...