Search results

  1. Schildlkröte

    Looking for Adult Russian - Tortoise Supply WC or Reptile Fair

    I have been considering a Russian tortoise for some time and am looking at different options for finding an adult. Tortoise Supply has gotten good reviews on this site. The adults that they sell are wild caught, but the site states that they have been de-wormed. What do you think of ordering a...
  2. Schildlkröte

    What to look for and ask about at a pet fair?

    I plan to attend an exotic pet fair tomorrow ( and will be looking at Russian tortoises. What questions should I ask the sellers? What should I look for when I am looking at the tortoises?
  3. Schildlkröte

    Exotic Animal Fair in Hastings, MN March 11 Tortoises are promised to be represented.
  4. Schildlkröte

    Cool-Side Temp for Russians vs. Hermann's?

    I have never had a tortoise before and am really appreciating the depth of experience on this forum, including and especially the Beginner's Mistakes. I am debating whether to go for a Russian or a Hermann's tortoise at a fair this weekend. I live in Minnesota, so the tortoise will need to be...
  5. Schildlkröte

    Storage Cube / Coroplast Enclosure for Russian Tortoise?

    I am considering a Russian tortoise and gathering ideas for an indoor enclosure. One idea is to resurrect the storage cube/coroplast structure that housed guinea pigs for several years. The base and 6" walls are made of a very easily cleaned single sheet of folded coroplast (with the back wall...