Search results

  1. PatMicklewaite

    Is plaster of paris safe to use as a flooring for my tortoise's enclosure?

    I use a rather large storage bin for my Russian tortoise because he cannot be outside all the time. The surface area is bigger towards the top of the bin as most bins are and right now I fill it with solid foam fillers covered with tiles, then substrate (he has NO access to the foam underneath)...
  2. PatMicklewaite

    The tortoise at my workplace is fed corn on the cob

    I don’t want to give too much details as this is my workplace but they are feeding a California Desert Tortoise corn on the cob at least once a week. I feel like that’s not a great thing to give that breed. Is corn okay to feed a tortoise like this? My instinct says no and I’m more than a little...
  3. PatMicklewaite

    Any tips on growing hibiscus?

    I just purchased a hibiscus plant since the flowers are supposed to be really good for tortos, I'm not great with gardening but getting there, any tips on keeping it alive would help. I've managed to maintain a mini lime tree going even after the LA heat wave so I'm not hopeless.
  4. PatMicklewaite

    Hello to all, I have a question!

    I wish I were joining under better circumstances but my greek torto is having some issues. He's had what appears to be an injury on his plastron for a while, the vet said it doesn't look like shell rot but isn't sure what it is. Vet's advice was to soak him every day first in warm water, then...