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  1. BKWrigley

    Our Greek tortoise's scar is not healing

    Hello Tortoise world, our Greek tortoise somehow got a cut on the left side of her cheek (we aren't sure how). It seems to scab over and get better, but continues to open up again. Any advice on treatment? Thanks so much!
  2. BKWrigley

    Skin disease? Please help!

    Hello all, Our Greek Tortoise Gouda seems to have some kind of skin infection that we first noticed this morning. Pictures are attached. She has not been eating normally for the past few weeks and we thought this was simply due to the changing of the season. The past 3 or 4 days, she has been...
  3. BKWrigley

    Greek Tortoise has lost appetite, eyes aren't fully opening

    Hello tortoise community. My wife and I have a Greek tortoise named Gouda here in Baltimore, MD. We got her in October 2017 from a breeder when she was about a month old. She has been doing really well until the past month or so (when temperatures/humidity here really started dropping). Lately...