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  1. B’sMama

    My tortoise ate a foot sock

    Doctor prescribed VCO and some meds for his urates ( have to eliminate the urates first) so that if it is really the missing sock on the upper left, then it may pass thru his digestive tract with ease.
  2. B’sMama

    My tortoise ate a foot sock

    I have a missing foot sock and I’m suspecting my sulcata ate the missing piece. I brought him right away to the vet and the doctor took an xray of him. Doctor is not sure if the black image on the upper left of the screen is the missing foot sock or just gas. HELP!!!
  3. B’sMama

    Why is my baby’s shell dented?

    [/USER] But we live in a condo. ☹️ we get to bring him outdoors every now and then but he always eats the rocks. ☹️ We got worried bec the vet showed us an xray of his belly with 9 pcs of pebbles. So we don’t bring him outside that often. He has his own enclosure with UVB light. He sleeps...
  4. B’sMama

    Why is my baby’s shell dented?

    I can’t recall if he had this dent when we bought him. Just worried if this is something not healthy or if I’m not taking care of him to the fullest. He’s turning 3 this August. Very active, likes to walk around the house, bulldozing the furnitures and cuddling with his Mama ❤️
  5. B’sMama

    Someone please check if my baby’s pyramiding already

    Super cute, right?? He/she is giving me that look every morning as soon as he/she wakes up. Such a cutie!!! Thank you so much for your enlightenment! ?
  6. B’sMama

    Someone please check if my baby’s pyramiding already

    I’m a first time Mama to this darling and was wondering if I’m doing the right “parenting” to him/her. I live in Manila, Philippines. Weather here is always hot. I give him daily 15-30 min luke warm baths in the morning near the window - where there is sunlight. Sometimes, I let him literally...