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  1. Footso

    HI ... bernation

    Hi again Jacqui Yes it is a bit early for him to hibernate. Perhaps in a bout another month's time would be right. Despite ongoing temperatures around 26C he hasn't moved. I did put a thermometer in his box and that read 18C. Do tortoises also "judge" the time they have been awake? Irs...
  2. Footso

    HI ... bernation

    Thank you Jacqui Before his 3-day "sleep" started, he probably hadn't eaten for 3-4 days. Usually, its hard to tell how long he goes without eating before hibernation because he lives outdoors in an area with grass, dandilion, clover, etc, so he can "graize" whenever he wants. We "feed" him...
  3. Footso

    HI ... bernation

    Hi. This is actually Footso's "dad". My names Andrew and we live in Hampshire, England. Our torsoise is at least 50 years old and generally lives outside. A few weeks ago we had a period of quite cool weather. Becuase its nowhere near the time her would normally start hibernating, we brought...