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  1. Igor the Russian

    New adopter, need opinion

    Hi All, Just got a hand me down tortoise. He’s definitely in a glass tank that is too small, we’re going to work on that. My question is about his beak. It’s got what looks like a split or it’s growing strange? Also a bit of white flaky that made me worry. I haven’t cleaned him up with a bath...
  2. Igor the Russian

    New Russian adopted

    Can you give me any more information about what a “humid hide box “ is? Also do you worry about tap water? Do the put the same stuff in the water that I use for my turtle water?
  3. Igor the Russian

    New Russian adopted

    Thank you! I was having trouble finding it.
  4. Igor the Russian

    Turtles and Tortoises Don't Like Change

    This is so helpful! Thanks so much. I am taking in an unwanted Russian tomorrow. I want to improve his enclosure, but I’ll do it slowly! Any advice about seasonal outdoor enclosure? I live in Massachusetts.
  5. Igor the Russian

    Turtles and Tortoises Don't Like Change

    Some people breed animals as if they are prize tomatoes.
  6. Igor the Russian

    What A Tortoise's Stone Looks Like

    I am totally new here, but I do have knowledge of food and nutrition. For my own curiosity, I’m wondering if you fed him a lot of kale?
  7. Igor the Russian

    New Russian adopted

    Hi All, I’m taking a Russian in that my can’t take on their move. I’m in Massachusetts. They actually found him running loose 6 years ago so don’t know how old. I have read so much conflicting advice online so just wondering some basic stuff. They have him in a 48”x13” glass tank with garden...