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  1. HannahHermann

    Small light brown bumps on back legs

    Thank you. I just wanted to make sure. I'm just a worrywort about him. 😊
  2. HannahHermann

    Small light brown bumps on back legs

    Hi everyone. I have a male Russian, Whiplash, and doing his daily once over I noticed some light brown spots on his back legs, up high where his skin is a yellow color. I thought they may be dirt but I think that's just his skin color. I probably mistaken them for eco earth before but I just...
  3. HannahHermann

    Orange between scutes?

    Thank you so much! While I have the pictures up I was wondering if anyone has any idea how old he is? I know it would be an estimate. He is 4.5 inches long, 11 inches in girth.
  4. HannahHermann

    Orange between scutes?

    Wow, I did all this research on tortoise care and just believed what the pet store told me about what species he is! Thank you for correcting that!
  5. HannahHermann

    Orange between scutes?

    Thank you! I did not know about his growth line, I look forward to any more feedback!
  6. HannahHermann

    Orange between scutes?

    Hi everyone, I just noticed while soaking Whiplash, a male Hermann's, that in between his scutes on his carapace it is orange. I have noticed a lot of growth with him since we got him from Petsmart. (I know that's a bad idea, but we had the habitat all set up and were looking for a breeder and...
  7. HannahHermann

    Super active tortoise with newly discovered tiny white bugs, is it the bugs or the temperature?

    Hi everyone, I'm new and I was soaking my Hermann's tortoise, and noticed little white bugs on his shell. I checked the substrate and they were in there too, after I checked a few handfuls I saw one. I came on here immediately and they sound like they are springtails but it's still causing me to...