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  1. T


    It looks like you have a main smaller holding area attached to their house, and that opens up to the grazing area. Can you provide more info on how often you let them have access to the grazing area? I have four tortoises ages 1-4 and am trying to figure out how much of my land I need to...
  2. T


    What kind of opuntia is this? It looks like it doesn’t have the growth points for glochids and spines and the shape looks perfect for munching on! I bought some spineless pads and planted them but the variety I got grows thick and round instead of thin and oval shaped.
  3. T

    Aldabra with unusually large eyelids?

    @ALDABRAMAN Any thoughts?
  4. T

    Aldabra with unusually large eyelids?

    These are photos of my three year old aldabra’s eyes. When I gently pet near his eyes, it seems like the size of his nictitating membrane is preventing his eyes from being able to close all the way. I noticed this issue when he was around a year old and have tried giving him terramycin ointment...