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  1. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    what about kudzu? I would atleast love a wall covered quickly.
  2. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    I am unfortunately with limited transportation as I am disabled. If I do get any, how would you thoroughly destroy the clippings? I would look for it myself but I am poor at identifying plants. :( As for pothos, I actually just liked the idea of like a garden wall covered in ivy(not poisom...
  3. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    oh darn. there has to be something to keep it in place.
  4. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    Much appreciated. Yes he's already a big boi. Wisteria is toxic apparently. By grape vine do you mean like actual edible grapes? if so. I am trying to avoid fruits in his diet due to sugar content. The wall of the terrarium I was going to silicone textured wall veneer. Some look as if they...
  5. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    Well do you have any alternatives for wall growing plants that grow super fast but wont be that problematic? Anything that could hold the weight and power of a 30lb animal? lets say 35lb for overkill
  6. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    dont know how to grow from seeds
  7. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    I have passed through the east coast but only ever stopped in GA, FL.... and i didnt pay attention to the flora
  8. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    I live in the USA, new jersey in specific. Are you aware of any online store you would trust to be without any nasties? Also after reading someones post in a tegu based server they had compiled their own list. One of the plants they mentioned was kudzu. Looked for them could not find any...
  9. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    Yeah he wont free roam.
  10. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    Yea looking for stuff that wont get ripped apart easily, trampled, basically looking for aesthetics.
  11. T

    Thirsty for plant information.

    Hello everyone. I am actually a tegu owner. I have infiltrated your ranks to learn information that I could apply to my tegus care. So I am looking for plants that can be used to grow in the enclosure that if he got curious and nibbled on it, it wont hurt him. He is an absolute beast, very...