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  1. M

    Jacky And Daisy

    Natrah I hope Jacky is ok after her long day out. Yes in an ideal world she would eat more of the weeds that are best for her but at her age it will be difficult to change what she likes now. Dickie is the same. She likes Romaine lettuce but is very fussy about other foods I’ve tried her with...
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    Jacky And Daisy

    Hi Natrah just letting you know Sherman had a few seconds of fame on TV tonight! He & a number of the other animals at the sanctuary were featured on our local news Look East tonight on BBC. They showed him tucking into a big plate of food outside his shed whilst the hens were milling around...
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    Jacky And Daisy

    Hello Natrah sorry had a busy evening! Dickies appt was at 4pm so Pete had to leave home about 2.30pm which meant I couldn’t go with him as I was still at my job. Anyway the vet was a very knowledgable middle aged man & he scanned her abdomen as the X-ray done by the vet here only showed her...
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    Jacky And Daisy

    Yes thanks Angie we have heard of a few who are described as ‘confused’!
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    Jacky And Daisy

    She was on the patio but it’s shady. The sun doesn’t get there until mid afternoon which is why Pete moved the box onto the lawn in a spot that gets the sun a bit earlier once it gets over the conifers. The garden is west facing. Since moving the box she has been coming out herself mostly even...
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    Jacky And Daisy

    She came out late morning today had a warm bath & sat in the sun. Didn’t want to eat anything except a small piece of cherry then had a wander. Had to get her back out of her box again later when it warmed up & she ate a bit more with Pete holding the food to her mouth. It’s this that bothers...
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    Jacky And Daisy

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    Jacky And Daisy

    My iPad likes to put in HackyJacky instead of Jacky 😆
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    Jacky And Daisy

    Edward I hope you and your servant are settling in well. How is Niilo doing? Did he move with you?
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    Daisy's Anniversary

    Came out about 1pm surprised as it’s been quite windy & not sunny. Hasn’t eaten anything though. Be glad when weds comes so expert vet can give her a good look over. She hid in her favourite place. When the sun came out briefly I got her out of hiding & put her in the sun. Didn’t last long...
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    Daisy's Anniversary

    Bit strange though 🤔
  12. M

    Jacky And Daisy

    Love the pipe & cap ❤️😆
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    Jacky And Daisy

    It’s very unusual. Is it quite heavy? Looks lovely.
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    Jacky And Daisy

    No she hasn’t come out yet. It’s very windy here
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    Jacky And Daisy

    Sally the Sully! Hello lovely Jacky! I agree. She’s been sitting inside the kennel looking out but it’s quite windy so she stayed put. It became sunny this afternoon so Pete got her out & she has eaten a little & has gone on a wander over to the ivy where she used to be able to hide (no more)...
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    Jacky And Daisy

    Well I keep asking if the vet looked in her mouth as I think we have to rule out other things. Think she will have a thorough checkup next week. The specialist vets for exotics are seemingly few & far between here! I guess they are still closer than where you are 😉 Thankyou Sally & Sully x
  17. M

    Jacky And Daisy

    Dickie had an X-ray which didn’t show any concerns. She has an appt with the specialist vet about 40 miles away next weds & today’s vet will send the X-ray on to them to double check. No blood test today, leaving it up to the specialist vet to do if they deem it necessary. She only ate a tiny...
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    Jacky And Daisy

    Oh dear hope it gets sorted out quickly. Dickie decided not to come out as it was pretty windy & rainy this morning. She was looking out the door & thought better of it. When the sun emerged Pete got her out ( she had buried herself again in her straw) & she stayed in the sun basking. When we...
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    Jacky And Daisy

    Dickie went to vet today & had another antibiotic injection. On weds she is having a blood test & possibly an X-ray. She hasn’t eaten today as it’s been cloudy & windy & has started raining this evening. We’ve moved her kennel from the patio onto the lawn so it gets the sun earlier in the hope...
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    Daisy's Anniversary

    Happy Birthday Natrah with love from Dickie & George xxxx Hmmm that tail looks tasty…..!