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  1. PEI

    How do I detect bladder stones early?

    The Sulcata and Indian star tortoises are the species of tortoises in which stones are most commonly found in my country. Cases of stones in other tortoise species are relatively rare. Vets sometimes hold lectures to teach tortoise owners how to provide the right environment, high fiber, and...
  2. PEI

    How do I detect bladder stones early?

    I think we are talking about actual stones. I don't know what caused it and which organ it is in, but I can attach an X-ray. He was an imported individual, and I guess maybe he was forced to stay in the wrong environment when he was born, which caused these stones.
  3. PEI

    How do I detect bladder stones early?

    I want to share some information that I know about stones. My English is not good, there may be many typos. Unfortunately I found some stones in my Indian star tortoise a few days ago. He is only about 5cm and when he arrived last Saturday I noticed he was in very bad spirits and slept almost...