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  1. myk

    How Much Sex is too Much?

    Guess you should watch her for egg laying
  2. myk

    How Much Sex is too Much?

    Put a board in between
  3. myk

    Drop One, Add One

    Oh fudge
  4. myk

    Drop One, Add One

  5. myk

    Drop One, Add One

    Tortise love
  6. myk

    Found a baby turtle

    I'm for releasing it back in the wild, it knows instinctively what it needs to do,,,once wild Always wild, it's healthy,
  7. myk

    Small testudo marginata - question

    Try romaine or red leaf lettuce,,also collard greens
  8. myk

    Small testudo marginata - question

    Love GardenState Tortoise
  9. myk

    Small testudo marginata - question

    Could be hybrid
  10. myk

    Small testudo marginata - question

    Just hang tight ,,the pros be on soon n they can better assist your questions
  11. myk

    moving to the UK from the US with our 3y/o Marginated Tortoise- help!

    Here in Canada, you can not take tortises or turtles across the border,,very strict, unless you obtain a permit that's its your pet n not for trade,
  12. myk

    Small testudo marginata - question

    I'm not 100 percent ,but to me it looks more greek then marginated
  13. myk

    Does my 8 month olds shall look okay ?

    Weird creatures?lol
  14. myk


    I don't know why I didn't see any replies before I replied, lol
  15. myk


    Yeah that's a long list there, first I'm going to say is her diet,no spinach...carrots are sugars,no good for leopards, fruits not good for them only in sparingly, dark greens is best,baby's should be soaked daily,what I did was Google anything I questioned, and compare to this group. I mainly...
  16. myk

    Does my 8 month olds shall look okay ?

    As zovic previously said,, but do I see a chunk missing behind the head to the right,, or is the camera? Looks broken to me..just saying
  17. myk

    Help to prepare for 15 y/o Sulcata foster/adoption

    Any flooring stores, home depot, rona, etc...
  18. myk

    I got a new tortoise today!!!!

    Think he was telling weiner, hey look I beat the rabbit,, just sayin...
  19. myk

    fungal infection/ separating / lifting of the scute

    Tom ,the dog trainer