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  1. Dr22


    Are people microchipping their tortoises?
  2. Dr22


    Thanks. I’ve got newts so I’m well versed on the rubbish people who have something to sell are likely to spout. And for my cats actually, I’m practically an mature feline nutritionist at this point 😅 I knew I wanted to double check with people who actually knew before hand, it was the humidity...
  3. Dr22


    I really appreciate that, thank you
  4. Dr22


    Oh god I’d have been way off. I was seeing 30-50max. I’ve been researching them for months and feel like that just calls everything into question now 😩 Thanks so much
  5. Dr22


    Hey all Im getting a CB23 horsefield in a couple of weeks, I'm just finalising their enclosure now. There is all sorts of conflicting info out there about what sort of humidity levels they need and I thought I'd ask here to try and nail down some figures. Thanks in advance for any advice Hayley