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  1. R

    Questions about RT

    No I haven't bought a tortoise yet. I'll see if I can find a good rescue in my area
  2. R

    Questions about RT

    Thanks, I just took a look at that. Looks like I'll have to return/throw out a lot of stuff, it's so hard to find reliable information. I bought a few things that aren't the best to use, so I'll try to do better.
  3. R

    Questions about RT

    Pretty sure it's an adult. TortoiseSupply has babies, too, but I wanted to get an adult because I'm so scared of messing up while trying to care for a fragile young tortoise
  4. R

    Questions about RT

    Okay thank you. I'll try to return the enclosure, but do you think it will be big enough if I get two more and make a bigger cage?
  5. R

    Questions about RT

    So sorry I really should've done more research before I wasted all that money. I've done more research now and feel more confident, but the enclosure really needs to be fixed.
  6. R

    Questions about RT

    I'm getting him from TortoiseSupply which I hear is a reputable place to get them. I just looked at it again and realized that they breed their tortoises, so they're not caught from the wild.
  7. R

    Questions about RT

    Thank you, you are so right. I was researching this yesterday and thought he might be okay for a few months, but I really don't want to make him miserable.
  8. R

    Questions about RT

    I got the enclosure earlier on and just recently discovered how small it really was. I could probably just buy a bookshelf and turn it into a better enclosure, I just need to save up more money.
  9. R

    Questions about RT

    It's an adult male tortoise. I think it's imported.
  10. R

    Questions about RT

    I think it's about 3 foot by 2 foot... yes I know that's way too small...
  11. R

    Questions about RT

    Hi! I'm buying my first Russian Tortoise soon and just had a few questions. I have a pretty small enclosure for him right now (it's just temporary, I'm planning on upgrading it next summer), so he won't have a ton of space. Because of this, I wanted to let him roam the backyard occasionally to...