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  1. E-kamelife

    Risk of only feeding Mazuri

    Somalia leopard tortoise. There are three types of leopard tortoise for sale in Japan. He is a regional species from somalia.
  2. E-kamelife

    Risk of only feeding Mazuri

    Thank you for various information and opinion. I think that most people need processed food like Mazuri so that their tortoses can be healthy and alive long time. I feed various fresh greens and pellet food almost half and half everyday in order to headge invisible risk. I believe Mazuri is the...
  3. E-kamelife

    Risk of only feeding Mazuri

    People said Mazuri is a good food for tortosies. If we feed only Mazuri, what risk do you think about tortosies or people who keep tortosies? From my point of view, the cost of payment as food and the lack of feeding muscle activity should be considered. Because we dip Mazuri water normaly...