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  1. RecallzOP

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    I will be switching then any recommendations for calcium supplements then?
  2. RecallzOP

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    No the UV Index is 3.3 and it’s a tube not coil
  3. RecallzOP

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    Light basking is at a 95 decree was told by a lot of people on the forum that is a good basking temp for a Russian, if this is to high let me know and a UVB of 3.3 measured from the top of his shell
  4. RecallzOP

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    He is in a 4x8 diy enclosure. He is getting leafy greens like collards some kale not a lot of it though. Also gets mustard greens as well and dandelion greens. The supplement repashy super veggie but I might switch that for just straight calcium. This is just for now I’ll switch the greens with...
  5. RecallzOP

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    Yes he is in a self made enclosure now at 4x8 they only thing I’m not sure on if the supplement they gave me it’s repashey superveggie I might switch it for just straight calcium but not sure if I should keep or switch that. That’s the only thing I’m not sure of in this whole thing. Out of all...
  6. RecallzOP

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    I just got him from the store literally a day ago so he came looking like this just wanted to know if I needed to change anything immediately but he is in a proper enclosure now and getting the diet he needs now.
  7. RecallzOP

    Is my Russian tortoise overweight??

    Please let me know if you think he is overweight? I just got him and if he is how do I make sure not to make him more overweight?