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  1. E

    Outdoor enclosure for 2 different species

    Thank you very much for clarifying, as she definitely said it 'has' to be done twice a year. I'm glad I wrote in this forum rather than taking the vet's advice only...
  2. E

    Outdoor enclosure for 2 different species

    Thank you lots. In research as you suggested, too, and will start executing ASAP.
  3. E

    Outdoor enclosure for 2 different species

    Thank you very much for taking the time to respond to all and offer more sources as well. I will re-read everything in the morning very carefully. As a general rule, how big should a space be for each tortoise? The adults are about 20cm long. As I'll probably need to do a lot of work in the...
  4. E

    Outdoor enclosure for 2 different species

    To add to this, I believe the vets told me it's okay to keep them together since both species are part of the testudo family. Is this indeed okay in your opinions? Some vets also offer de-bacteriasation which they suggest twice a year (not sure what it's called in English, sorry).
  5. E

    Outdoor enclosure for 2 different species

    Hello all, I was told in another thread about some changes I'd potentially need to make (new owner - I've inherited them and try to do my very very best - been to vets, but didn’t get as much info). Those suggestions made me think of more questions so I will list them here and I just wanted to...
  6. E

    What are my 5 tortoises?

    Hello, I appreciate this but my questions were specific to something else. My dad, who passed away hence I became responsible, had them for 10+ years, both species together. It's quite common in Cyprus, I know multiple families who have testudos mixed and they're certainly fine together. The...
  7. E

    What are my 5 tortoises?

    So good to be here! Thank you so much
  8. E

    What are my 5 tortoises?

    Thank you so much!
  9. E

    What are my 5 tortoises?

    I've recently become responsible of these 5 stunners. Could you please let me know what you think they are? I live in Cyprus if thus helps. Just checking, as 2 vets told me slightly different things. - What are the 2 big ones? - What are the 2 medium ones? - The baby tortoise?