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  1. N

    Lack of knowledge

    I very much trust your knowledge and expertise…and that’s why is very frustrating to hear people like gill giving out wrong information. Shes kicked me out of the forum because I advised someone to get a green house topper lol
  2. N

    Lack of knowledge

    I’ve asked her where she gets her info from. I thought it was a well known fact that torts like humidity?
  3. N

    Lack of knowledge

    Hello 👋 Right….so there’s this Facebook group where you can ask people for advise, post pics of your tortoise etc and I stumbled across someone posting a picture of their baby tortoise in an opened top enclosure… I reccomend they get themselves a green house cover to hold in the humidity...
  4. N

    Enclosure size for baby hermann

    Hi everyone! My baby eastern hermann is 7 months old, and his or her enclosure is 4x2ft. Is that big enough? If yes when I need to upgrade to a bigger one? Thanks in advance! Natalie x
  5. N

    Thermostat probe placement

    Ah thanks for the idea! That’s very creative…so hats off to you ☺️ I might get a background for our tort- know any safe glues I can use?
  6. N

    Thermostat probe placement

    I am 🙌🏻 another thing- the middle of the table is about 25 degrees, the basking area is 36, and the cooler side is 23…are those temps okay? I don’t think I’m gonna need the CHE on at this rate. I’ll set the thermostat for 21 degrees though, so it’s a nice temperature at night x
  7. N

    Thermostat probe placement

    Can you show me a picture of yours please? I’m having trouble working out how to place it away from the wall. Thank you :)
  8. N

    Thermostat probe placement

    Awesome :) omg I’m so glad I’ve almost got everything sorted as hanging the CHE and the basking bulb has been a right pain in the arse 😂😂 I thought I would hang it from the top of the greenhouse fixture instead. To say it made me work up a sweat is an understatement haha x
  9. N

    Thermostat probe placement

    I’m not sure if I’ve already asked this question already or not…but anyway! 😂 is the probe in the correct place? It’s at the cooler end. Natalie x
  10. N

    Western or eastern hermann?

    I totally appreciate the help :) these are the other Hermanns he has
  11. N

    Western or eastern hermann?

    Ah good :) yea, 36 under basking bulb 👍
  12. N

    Western or eastern hermann?

    And the temps atm are 23 on the cool end and 36 on the basking side.
  13. N

    Western or eastern hermann?

    Good thing I’m adopting the little guy! I’ve already got a greenhouse cover all set :) and humidity at the moment is about 71% on the cooler side and about 50% at the basking area.
  14. N

    Western or eastern hermann?

    The breeder just messaged me and said it’s a western :) aww you’re so sweet thank you! Will post more pics when they arrive ❤️
  15. N

    Western or eastern hermann?

    Getting this little guy or gal on the 30th! 😍 are they a western or eastern hermann?
  16. N

    Weed picking

    Thank you again :) it looks like I’ll be giving him or her the geranium and campanula then 👍 there’s plenty of it! Got some dandelion leaves too
  17. N

    Weed picking

    Awesome, thank you :) I’ve been looking at the weeds in my garden- do you know what any of these are?
  18. N

    Weed picking

    Also going back to number 10- here’s the flower for that one too
  19. N

    Weed picking

    Thank you for taking the time to help :) Going back to number 9- I’ve attached a picture with the flower
  20. N

    Weed picking

    Thank you :) haha yes, Im sure they wouldn’t mind atall! A lot of those weeds are from my front garden. Will go into the back garden as well to see what’s about 👍