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  1. B

    New Tortoise Enclosure For Red-Footed Tortoises

    I currently don't have any tortoises, but I'm doing a lot of research to prepare for them. The tortoises will be adults, and I haven't acquired them yet; the pet store is ordering them for me. going to go with the T5 fluorescent tube lights with reflector fittings. Ceramic bulbs might be more...
  2. B

    New Tortoise Enclosure For Red-Footed Tortoises

    Hi, I am making a new tortoise enclosure for red-footed tortoises that I will be getting soon. It will be 520 cm long, 210 cm wide, and 150 cm high. I live in Ireland, so it will be in an insulated shed. I am getting 3 females and 1 male. Could you recommend whether mercury vapour lights or full...